Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Class of Eighty

Class of Eighty
I have been to C M S college  Kottayam ,Kerala,India very recently after a gap of 33 years to be with my class mates in the alma mater.
Time has nt made much difference even though we parted at the prime, even though we thought we were elder to all
But even the teachers, when we look at the old black and white prints were so young and play ful compared to us.
These were the teachers we mocked ,we made caricatures ,we thought we were different. Three decades changed all
We missed meeting S Krishna Iyer,that doyen whosee smile would tell all ,at whose hands Shakesperean characters notably Fallstaff and the like would come alive
Or OP Thomas
Whose famous lines four score and five years .In US (America) I asked some one where Long island is?
He replied to me nobody asks about such places. Before I knew America OP taught of the land
OR Bagshaw who revealed the intimate details of TS Eliot`s Waste land
 In the principals room which still maiantains its grandeur near the chapel where we used to go to see pretty girls in all colours
We were nearer to gods watching them in their mirth and splenduor
I studied some English lines
For a boorish person such English was heaven
Here George Koshy,our dear department head would take Hairy ape or Hamlet bringing in America or England of Elizabethan age
Such histrionics he has
One day we felt he has brought the ghost of Hamlet among us
Dear Marina arrived as a ghost herself to add drama to the class
We missed Vijaylakshmi who left us three years back
I remember her Monalsa type smile ,enigmatic, beautiful and honest to the core
 What a lady
I thought she would be an ever presence in my life
My prescience betrayed me.
She left us without a glimpse of her for several years
Then there was Susie who was such a narrator of stories and incidents
Her students in Thiruvalla would be blessed
But for us she was like an imp playing games
An association for  40 years with Susie ,Georgie, Marina,Anu,
And self
Then Finny who is so handsome even now and so articulate
He should have been a teacher
Pradeep was there,the man always dearest to my heart
Who always touched me  though we were always seperated by years
And Eliyammaa who followed her dictates in idealism
Meera asked me” Do you still follow the idealism” I replied “partly”
Meera should have remained with us
Anu has remained the same
I hope multinational companies would not steal the secret of her being young and lively at this age
For me who has become old and grey she was such a shock
For me the college was great
 It was here I have learnt the first lessons in Shakespeare and love
Johnie Abarham taught us the secrets of poem
It was our Mackeral inn
My thanks to Georgei,Jessie and Nivedh, Korah and all
Antony who was a real treasure whom we found
And my class mates who could nt make it
Like Roshni,Bibi,Blessy ,Gigi,Sheela, and Anne  
Also thanks to Suresh Kurup who made it on his birth day
And remembering our dear Ravanan who let us enjoy our college days
And finally for those who are left out who might be the one who has really  guided us more
I hope others in my class would fill in
With love for all .



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